Education - Your Door to the Future

Start at Any Time

Enroll any time throughout the year

Face-to-Face and online Tuition

Professional tutors provide assistance in class and online

Wi-Fi and Internet facilies

Full Wi-Fi and internet facilities are provided to make studding and online searches easy

Life and Social Skills

Our focus is on life skills, with guest speakers from real-world industries delivering regular Friday presentations

A Video Walkthrough with Some of our Students

Student Testimonials

Landile Pelle

We would like to express our deepest gratitude for the incredible impact you’ve had on our children through the Bridge program. Your dedication and hard work have not only provided them with a platform for learning but also instilled hope in their hearts.

Your creation of this invaluable learning platform is changing lives, enabling our children to pursue further studies and chase after their dreams. Your patience and belief in our children, coupled with your daily encouragement, have played a pivotal role in ensuring that they can achieve their goals.

Sincere Gratitude from Landile’s parents.

Moganu Mawasha

Bridge always made me feel welcome and comfortable with the working environment around me. 

The tutors do a great job of helping and assisting students when there is a lack of understanding.

 Thanks to Principal Geoff, and all the other tutors that were involved while I attended. 

Moganu is now an employee of
Bridge FET Edu Centre as an assistant tutor. 

Caitin Schroeder A

Jared Schroeder

Bridge EDU Centre taught me a lot, in the 2 years that i was there, but what I took away was commitment and hard work. 

When I felt like giving up, I had a group of teachers, standing by me and motivating me to do my best! 

I was always told, “hard work pays off”, and it definitely did. 

 I would not have been where I am today, if I didn’t push through and do my part!